Monday, July 11, 2011


Learning German pays off. I was hero to someone who was answering a crossword puzzle last week.

I was in Moro Lorenzo that afternoon for my everyday therapy routine thanks to an ACL (knee) injury I acquired during the summer when one of the therapists (it was a bum hour... I was one of 3 patients at that time, if I remember right) suddenly asked out loud "Sino marunong mag-German?"

Hesitant to say yes, since its only been a month since we started this class, I asked "What's the question?"

"Ano ang 3 sa German?"

Hallelujah to answerable questions! I quickly spelled out drei to him and he thanked me. Conveniently, it had occurred the week after we discussed numbers!

This past Sunday too, I found myself bumming at my grandmothers house and borrowing my mom's phone. I decided to play Sudoku, and I must have been really bored to pick out the Deutsch choice of language for the game. Not like German numbers looked different... but I realized it was a good way to master numbers, at least those from 1-9! Even if they didn't look any different, I found myself counting from 1-9 in German!

They're funny occurrences the past week that involved numbers, puzzles and German that I thought it was just worth noting. :)


I've decided a fun way to get about this: since I wasn't the only one who enjoyed the German arias I posted last week, I've decided to post one aria per entry :)

Meine Ruh ist hin,
Mein Herz ist schwer,
Ich finde sie nimmer
Und nimmermehr.
Wo ich ihn nicht hab,
Ist mir das Grab,
Die ganze Welt
Ist mir vergällt.

Mein armer Kopf
Ist mir verrückt,
Mein aremer Sinn
Ist mir zerstückt.

Nach ihm nur schau ich
Zum Fenster hinaus,
Nach ihm nur geh ich
Aus dem Haus.

Sein hoher Gang,
Sein' edle Gestalt,
Seines Mundes Lächeln,
Seiner Augen Gewalt,

Und seiner Rede
Sein Händedruck,
Und ach, sein Kuss.

Mein Busen drängt
Sich nach ihm hin.
Auch dürf ich fassen
Und halten ihn,

Und küssen ihn,
So wie ich wollt,
An seinen Küssen
Vergehen sollt!


My peace is gone,
My heart is heavy,
I will find it never
and never more.

Where I do not have him,
That is the grave,
The whole world
Is bitter to me.

My poor head
Is crazy to me,
My poor mind
Is torn apart.

For him only, I look
Out the window
Only for him do I go
Out of the house.

His tall walk,
His noble figure,
His mouth's smile,
His eyes' power,

And his mouth's
Magic flow,
His handclasp,
and ah! his kiss!

My peace is gone,
My heart is heavy,
I will find it never
and never more.

My bosom urges itself
toward him.
Ah, might I grasp
And hold him!

And kiss him,
As I would wish,
At his kisses
I should die!

pardon it's depressingness: I just watched the Romeo and Juliet ballet yesterday and the whole death for your love thing is just stuck :))

I'll be back soon ;)

UPDATE! (July 28,2011)
I came from Iloilo a little over a week ago and we were playing a card game called heart attack: on a same note, we were all counting in foreign languages during the card game! It was confusing... but that's what made it fun!

1 comment:

  1. Was für ein Zufall! Numbers are always fun to learn.
    And once again a moving song. ;)
